Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bill and Buster's 12 Days of Christmas

With everyone talking about Christmas and their favorite Christmas specials, I decided to dig up a holiday-themed relic of my own. As most people know, my hobby is cartooning, and back in middle school I came up with a duo of characters that have been my signature ever since. Though I've never made a dime from them, writing comic strips and stories with them help me deal with life, and sort of channel my sarcastic side in a positive way. I currently do new "Bill and Buster" strips as an occasional feature on, usually poking fun at issues pertaining to my current home of Austin, Texas.

Anyhoo, Several years ago, back when Myspace was big, I decided to post my backlog of comic strips (with new ones too) as a daily feature for my friends. One year I did a little story arc with Buster getting fed up with Christmas decorations appearing in early November, and sets out to stop it with an army of Thanksgiving turkeys. Looking back on it, I wish I'd fleshed it out more, because it was one of the funniest things I've ever written. Anyway, a year or two later (I believe 2007)I decided to do 12 new strips and post them through the 12 days leading up to Christmas day, and make it a takeoff on the song "the Twelve Days of Christmas". I've gotten SO much better at both my drawing skills and digital coloring since then, and looking back on these, I think they look like shit. But I still like them, and they're funny. The gags are both my own and a couple of suggestions by my friend Jon Cooke, though I've forgotten who came up with what. Anyway, enjoy MY Christmas special, "Bill and Buster's 12 Days of Christmas."

As a bonus, here's the initial "Early Christmas" bit that I mentioned, (I loosely title it "A Bill and Buster Thanksgiving")as well as a few other holiday-themed entries from the Myspace days circa 2006.

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